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Mengganti Plymouth/Splash Screen Pada Ubuntu 10.04/10.10

saya akan sharing cara mengganti theme untuk plymouth atau biasa disebut splash screen pada sistem operasi ubuntu dan turunannya. Ada dua cara yang bisa anda gunakan, yaitu dengan menggunakan command line di terminal dan dengan cara berbasis GUI menggunakan Splashscreen manager. Berikut adalah langkah-langkah dari kedua cara tersebut

1. Menggunakan Command Line

Buka terminal, kemudian cek plymouth yang sudah tersedia di repository dengan perintah :

apt-cache search plymouth-theme

opik@opik:~$ apt-cache search plymouth-theme
plymouth-theme-kubuntu-logo - graphical boot animation and logger - kubuntu-logo theme
plymouth-theme-kubuntu-text - graphical boot animation and logger - kubuntu-text theme
plymouth-theme-ubuntu-logo - graphical boot animation and logger - ubuntu-logo theme
plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text - graphical boot animation and logger - ubuntu-logo theme
mythbuntu-default-settings - default settings for Mythbuntu
plymouth-theme-fade-in - graphical boot animation and logger - fade-in theme
plymouth-theme-glow - graphical boot animation and logger - glow theme
plymouth-theme-lubuntu-logo - plymouth theme for Lubuntu
plymouth-theme-script - graphical boot animation and logger - script theme
plymouth-theme-solar - graphical boot animation and logger - solar theme
plymouth-theme-spinfinity - graphical boot animation and logger - spinfinity theme
plymouth-theme-text - graphical boot animation and logger - text theme
plymouth-theme-ubuntustudio - Ubuntu Studio Plymouth theme
plymouth-theme-xubuntu-logo - graphical boot animation and logger - xubuntu-logo theme
xubuntu-plymouth-theme - Plymouth theme for Xubuntu
plymouth-theme-sabily-text - plymouth theme for Sabily (text theme)
plymouth-theme-sabily - plymouth theme for Sabily (graphical theme)

pada contoh ini misalkan anda ingin menginstall plymouth-theme-ubuntustudio, maka ketikkan perintah :

sudo apt-get install plymouth-theme-ubuntustudio

setelah terinstall, ketikkan perintah :

sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth

Pilih plymouth yang akan digunakan, dengan mengetikkan nomor urut dari plymouth yang sudah terinstall :

opik@opik:~$ sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth
There are 3 choices for the alternative default.plymouth (providing /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth).
Selection Path Priority Status
0 /lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntustudio-logo/ubuntustudio-logo.plymouth 150 auto mode
* 1 /lib/plymouth/themes/sabily/sabily.plymouth 60 manual mode
2 /lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/ubuntu-logo.plymouth 100 manual mode
3 /lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntustudio-logo/ubuntustudio-logo.plymouth 150 manual mode
Press enter to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number:

Restart komputer anda
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