1. Menggunakan Command Line
apt-cache search plymouth-theme
opik@opik:~$ apt-cache search plymouth-theme
plymouth-theme-kubuntu-logo - graphical boot animation and logger - kubuntu-logo theme
plymouth-theme-kubuntu-text - graphical boot animation and logger - kubuntu-text theme
plymouth-theme-ubuntu-logo - graphical boot animation and logger - ubuntu-logo theme
plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text - graphical boot animation and logger - ubuntu-logo theme
mythbuntu-default-settings - default settings for Mythbuntu
plymouth-theme-fade-in - graphical boot animation and logger - fade-in theme
plymouth-theme-glow - graphical boot animation and logger - glow theme
plymouth-theme-lubuntu-logo - plymouth theme for Lubuntu
plymouth-theme-script - graphical boot animation and logger - script theme
plymouth-theme-solar - graphical boot animation and logger - solar theme
plymouth-theme-spinfinity - graphical boot animation and logger - spinfinity theme
plymouth-theme-text - graphical boot animation and logger - text theme
plymouth-theme-ubuntustudio - Ubuntu Studio Plymouth theme
plymouth-theme-xubuntu-logo - graphical boot animation and logger - xubuntu-logo theme
xubuntu-plymouth-theme - Plymouth theme for Xubuntu
plymouth-theme-sabily-text - plymouth theme for Sabily (text theme)
plymouth-theme-sabily - plymouth theme for Sabily (graphical theme)
sudo apt-get install plymouth-theme-ubuntustudio
setelah terinstall, ketikkan perintah :
sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth
opik@opik:~$ sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth
There are 3 choices for the alternative default.plymouth (providing /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth).
Selection Path Priority Status
0 /lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntustudio-logo/ubuntustudio-logo.plymouth 150 auto mode
* 1 /lib/plymouth/themes/sabily/sabily.plymouth 60 manual mode
2 /lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/ubuntu-logo.plymouth 100 manual mode
3 /lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntustudio-logo/ubuntustudio-logo.plymouth 150 manual mode
Press enter to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number:
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